Thursday, August 18, 2011

Listening to my body at the Ashram!

The last 10 days of July I had an incredible experience at the Yasodhara Ashram in beautiful British Columbia. I was aware of this Ashram because of the Radha Yoga Center in Spokane where I have taken yoga and dream classes for several years.

You may be aware of my experience with adrenal fatigue in 2008 and 2009. At the retreat one day our focus was on Relaxation and Rest. What happened for me was I realized (again) I didn't know how to rest. Previously, I would get tired and use caffeine and sugar to push through. We experienced Hidden Language Yoga and it was wonderful. After the pose, we journaled. First we did the Bridge and Tranquility Poses to become aware of our spine. Then we did the Cobra. We dialogued with ourselves after each pose. The question I journaled with was "What do I surrender to?" The answer could be another blog or newsletter. For me my back clearly disclosed that it needed further support and in the cobra I understood my abdomen needs to support my back. This will alleviate the back twinges I get occasionally.

Also, I contemplated the relationship between Joy and Surrender. I clearly understood I fight with mySelf inwardly by choosing confusion and indecision rather than surrendering and moving into a state of wait. I fight outwardly by resisting rather than accepting and letting life unfold. When I surrender, there is no struggle and I feel JOY!

Class focused on rest and we did some relaxation and visualization exercises. It was delightful. During lunch and on our break we were asked to be in silence. I spend a lot of time alone, but I became aware of how much rest I get when I am in conscious silence.


I spent time on the beach of Kootenay Lake and had quite a walk back up to my room in Saraswati. As I began the journey back I decided to bring rest into my life. I will write more about this when I write and share my Karma Yoga experience. On the way back I decided to stop to rest after a number of steps. I looked at the flowers, the trees, the birds, the cherries and the apples on each rest stop. When I got to the steps I decided to take 10 steps and rest, 10 steps and rest. It was an incredible experience. Whenever I stopped, the colors were so much more grand!

My desire for the retreat was rest. Now I am rested, have learned incredible tools and am more conscious of my life and my relationship with the Divine!

Bless your heart, Candess

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